When you spend some time in Jamaica’s capital, the moment will come, that you will demand for a refuge of peacefulness…
And in fact, there are two major possibilities to leave the city within decent time:
UP (to the Mountains) & DOWN (to the Sea)
When you catch a taxi from Papine Square, it will only take a couple of minutes to escape dust, sweat and noise for the beautiful silence of the famous Blue Mountains; where you should definitly stop by for some serious hiking adventures –>
From Papine Square, two main roads lead up the hill:
When you go east, it will take you straight to you Jamaica’s highest pinnacle Blue Mountain Peak; if you chose to go west, the road will suddenly end up in a small village called Redlight, from where you easily reach remarkable cuisine on prime location in the Mount Edge Guesthouse.
No “Lonely Planet” will advice, on what you will experience, when heading further up then…
When you take the right junction, a steep, rocky road will finally lead to the “School of Vision“, a hidden cluster of wooden houses, forming a distinct settlement of a native Rastafarian tribe, far away from the influences of society and with one of the most impressive outlooks you will find on the entire island –>