Put this pon your stereo: Looptroop – Fort Europa


aus aktuellem Anlass…


“After the first and the second world wars
You’d think us europeans couldn’t take it no more
But we built up and tore down the Berlin wall
Only to build up a new and improved around our crumblin’ Fort (Europa)
This one was a bit tricky, not visible to the naked eye
And if you was lucky
You could slip through the cracks and the crevices tuckin’
Your life under your arm, this way some people snuck in
Only to become second class citizens
Not listed in the system not existin in a sence
Illegal immigrants!
The word left a bitter sin
This place is cold and evil, I should have never went to



EDIT: check auch unbedingt den neuesten Looptroop Track zum Thema: Looptroop Rockers – Sea Of Death

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