“Journey to Jah is a feature documentary about two white men, who committed themselves to a black culture. Years ago, Gentleman and Alborosie turned their backs on western society and found their spiritual and musical home in Jamaica. They are now internationally acclaimed Reggae musicians. The film follows them on their search for authenticity, identity and acknowledgement in a different culture, in the context of Jamaica’s daily struggle for a better society…
Reggae is Rebel Music, in Reggae lies the power of change. For Gentleman and Alborosie, Reggae is much more than just music; it is an expression of their way of life, of their political and spiritual dispositions.”
…und damit sind die Beiden bestimmt nicht alleine.
Die Doku finanziert sich ausschließlich über öffentliche Spenden; 60.000 Dollar sind noch von Nöten, dann wird das Ding produziert. Endlich mal sinnvoll spenden! –> ab zu Kickstarter mit euren Penunsen…