Put this pon your video: mach dir keine Sorgen…

“Let us rock you in a low voice
Let us tell you stories
Let us think for you
While you entertain yourself
Let us do behind closed doors, the trend that concerns your planet…”

Zusammen, was zusammen gehört:
die Lyrics von Keny Arkana auf einem Medley des französischen Videoakrobaten Remi Gaillard.
Der Tune “Ne t’inquiète pas” erschien erstmals 2016 auf der “État d’urgence” EP und könnte kaum aktueller sein…

Lyrics –>

“Don’t worry, everything goes wrong, the waters rise and the air gets warmer

Every day, species disappear

But hey, tomorrow comes out the last Smartphone, so don’t worry

No, don’t worry, we manage things, you can continue to sleep

Blood and tears on the earth of men, ‘we must sell missiles and torpedoes

Yes, it’s been a while since peace died , we handle words and sordid projects

We are both arsonists, firefighters and we’ll sell you the way out

Yes, but don’t worry, if weapons spread at full speed

If drugs kill, it’s is good for business

Earnings can be measured, not sadness

So let it go, and don’t worry. Monday comes out the new series 7

See, don’t worry, and if you’re scared, there’s the 17

So don’t worry, if distress sets the earth on fire

Until you see young people commit the unforgivable

Innocent families under the fires of war

And the name of your village will not even be nameable

Serious people in kalash’ who hide behind God against the faith of the other

Imperialist forces who bomb children, old people in the name of Human Rights

But don’t worry

Let us rock you in a low voice

Let us tell you stories

Let us think for you While you entertain yourself

Let us do behind closed doors, the trend that concerns your planet

Don’t worry, tomorrow comes out the last Smartphone and you can sleep with it

Do not worry, if the sky turns red, if the hearts become embers

If for wars of ego, blood flows, and if no words are weighed

If everywhere on the globe, the gaping injustice increases the spirit of revenge

Love is the light of the soul, but who knows what lack of love brings?

But don’t worry, business is good, we count the world in ten figures

Playing war is good for the accounts, and in times of crisis the rich get richer

No matter the cries of distress, that ‘we suffocate with truncheons, with machetes

Women, children, dictates’, paramilitaries, organs, down here everything can be bought

But don’t worry, if the

The world will change when 51% of humanity embody wholehearted love

No coincidence, if men of power implicitly incite hatred of each other

The bigger the lie, the more it passes

But what is it? we wouldn’t invent to conceal our thirst for black gold?

The culture of violence spreads, it does damage

Cause and effect, what do we expect when weapons and blood

Inspire the art of a people in general?

If all that is venerated is anything but venerable

All that can generate in an execrable world

Frustrated and exasperated, easy to lose the luster

To freak out and one day join the hearts of ice

Don’t ask you why, we think for you

Consume without seeing that we are heading towards a black hole

The soul of the world cries out in pain, no one wants to see

Lowering your head is a day to bite your fingers

Do not worry, if the wound has the face of indifference

If we create bars just by legislating

No humanity, until indigestion

Entertaining rhymes with diversion

Hate begets hate, blood begets blood

Muscular security to establish peace: difficult to understand the meaning

But don’t worry, if glass monsters rise towards the sky, as if to watch our lives

Hide us in broad daylight the horizon and the sun and us raise the stars of our nights

Rigid sleepwalkers, we withdraw into ourselves, we block ourselves, paradise of the mummies

Emotionally handicapped, we burn ourselves in anger, we burn ourselves in euphoria

Let us rock you in a low voice

Let us tell you stories

Let us think for

you While you entertain yourself

Let us do behind closed doors, the trend that concerns your planet

Don’t worry, tomorrow comes out the last Smartphone and you can sleep with it…”

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